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7 reports about 888-335-6141

Received a phone call from 888-335-6141? Report here
Seaman 19th Jul, 2011+0
This person has called me several times, but I have not responded
marty 17th Jul, 2011+0
i ve received several calls from this number once i didnt answer 2nd time i asnwered on accident it was a indian guy looking for my boyfiend on my cell number he would give me any informatin except the company name allied interstate i ve never heard of the company and i dont know how they got my number especially since they have never contacted my boyfriends number they havent bother me enough to be irratating but i m very cautious to when an unknow number is calling from a company i personally havent done business with.
nova 10th Jul, 2011+0
this # is a fraud
cejr7 9th Jul, 2011+0
caller hangs up, does not leave message ...annoying... I am on the NO CALL list.
venkat 6th Jul, 2011+0
This international number called my phone and asked if I had a home security system. I said that I think this is a scam and said that I was going to call the police. The woman hung up on me. They @ 8:47pm
zeffer 6th Jul, 2011+0
g miller 6th Jul, 2011+0
Just called my cell and work phone number. Called two weeks ago from a 512 area code.

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Information about (888) 335-6141
